...waiting for the
eureka moment!

eureka was acquired by Midea Group to dominantly 'strengthen' the US market with a well-known (traditional) American vacuum cleaner brand.

Simple thinking behind:
high(er) Brand Awareness = easily more Sales (than using the Midea brand)

However, seldom the pure acquisition of a brand is a 'that easy' solution.
A strategy has to be in place why you purchase(d) the brand + what is, or at least can be, your strategy with this new brand 'asset'.

The undeniable + ultimate goal is always 'at least one' of below
= yes, shall mean you do not have to opt for all 3 - at least not at the same time:

  • 📈 Grow Sales Volume
  • 📈 Grow Market Share
  • 📈 Grow Margin

Have in mind, even acquiring a brand to just destroy it or discontinue it
= is a well-known strategy many companies have applied to grow e.g. market share (of yet another brand).

Worst case scenario (is mostly) not having any strategy at all.

eureka E20 - BrandoGroup

Preparing your strategy which includes brand building = using + improving the brand equity = aiming for higher sales and/or margin, an initial deep + thorough market analysis is required. A dedicated (and skilled!) team needs to understand the market/brands/competitor landscape + present 'their' respective brand strategy to all stakeholders.

Brand Strategy is not shooting a fancy new Brand Film!
...but includes a meaningfully (means on brand!) + competitive 'product portfolio', too.


In the eureka case, unfortunately, the global product team gave the responsibility to an in-experienced = in-capable local team which with their agency came up with very generic marketing jargon like:

"...because we understand our consumers,
we produce innovative products
which effortlessly make life easier..."


Indeed, all 4 aspects are always needed to be fulfilled:

  • addressing consumer-centric insights = (core target) consumer (unfulfilled) needs
  • offering relevant + meaningful product features = which reflect back + underpin the pre-defined brand positioning
  • attracting + enabling (potential) consumer getting 'it' done effortlessly to enjoy life 'a bit more'
  • bonding (newly) satisfied consumers by turning them into loyal (repeating) customers + brand ambassadors


Not sure how the eureka case has been developing after my departure.

While I was there, it was a classical case of:

  • no clear nor new brand strategy, due to having:
  • the wrong people acting in by insecurity driven silos
  • spending budget on 'something' to do 'something'
  • while hardly trying to leave the HQ brand team out...


Hell no, that's not a special case, but, in my opinion, happening to more than 2/3 of M&A's
- while HQ + local teams 'should' collaborate instead of...

- but, hey, that is another topic and not purely Brand Positioning related
= not here, not now... 🤪*

* I am currently working on a book with all those anecdotes = #staytuned


wrt eureka

  • What a missed opportunity...
  • Only the future will tell...
  • Afterwards we are always smarter...
  • Everyday is a school day...
  • Let's keep an eye on eureka.com